Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Goodbye Blogger.. Hello Wordpress!

I will now be blogging at http://danorohrdanz.wordpress.com/

It looks like this:

See you there!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Worship at Turning Point Church

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cardboard Testimonies - How He Loves

Yesterday was a very special day at Turning Point Church. Thanks to all who shared and helped.

I was blessed to be a small part of it. God is so good!

Monday, October 12, 2009

drastic times call for drastic measures

Today, I'm just curious.
I'm curious to hear about your story.
What is the most drastic thing you've done for God?
Was it a big move across the country?
Was it witnessing to someone?
Was it a career change?
A break up?
I'd love to know.

What is the most drastic thing you've been called to do while following God?

Monday, September 28, 2009

9/27/09 Set List

You're Worthy Of My Praise

Blessed Be Your Name

I Will Boast

How Great Thou Art

How Great Is Our God

Sunday, September 20, 2009

9/20/09 Set List

Let God Arise

Glory to God, Forever

Lead Me to the Cross

Give Us Clean Hands

Come Thou Fount

Bless His Holy Name

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Word... Do It Yourself

I'm studying Isaiah.
Inductive - of, pertaining to, or employing logical induction....
Basically it means to figure it out for yourself.
In the past I have been very guilty of proclaiming to be doing a bible study for my quiet time when it wasn't really an actual study.
It was more like a... quick read that fit my schedule the best.
I got nothing from it. I didn't grow spiritually at all because of it.
This morning while doing my study I realized how far I have come in my study habits and I thanked God for it.
I love the studies that leave it up to you.
They don't tell you answers.
They ask questions.
For instance: My study today was about Egypt in Is. 19.
The question was, "What do you learn about God in Isaiah 19?"
I had to pour over the scripture and figure it out, inductively, for myself.
My answer:
God is:
Fast (v1)
Evokes fear in the lost (v1)
smarter than mere humans (v2)
true to His judgement (v4)
all knowing (v4)
wanting ALL to come to know Him (v19)
the Savior/Reinforcement-sender (v20)
made known throughout the earth (v21)
worthy of worship and offerings (v21)
a fierce, yet healing God (v22)
responsive (v22)
Healer (v22)
a God who blesses obedience (v25)

I learned this morning.
Learning is a great thing.

God, Thank You so much for Your Word.

In your quiet time, don't read answers - answer questions.
Your heart will thank you for it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

How rad is God...?

this rad...

If you're ever wondering how rad our Creator is...

Job 12:7 - "But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you..."

9/13/09 Set List

Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble

Mighty To Save

Your Great Love

Let It Rain

How He Loves

Come and Listen (invitation song)

On a side note...

Thank you Lord for bringing us Pastor Mike Rippy and his wife Jenifer! God has provided for us and for that we are very grateful. Exciting things are on the horizon at Turning Point Church!

What or who has God blessed you with lately?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why is differentiating between evangelism and missions important?

John Piper is the man. Just sayin'...

Monday, August 31, 2009

beards are awesome...

For some unexplainable reason, I have always wanted a beard. Don't know why. Maybe it's because the men in my family have a rather difficult time growing facial hair, so that makes me want it even more, I guess. I have a friend named Perry Beaver. (Yes, that is his real name). He has the most incredible beard ever. I love it. I want it. It is pictured below.

I have seen Perry's beard longer than this too, and the longer it gets the awesome-er it gets.

Me? Facial hair...? not so much....

You may have noticed the small patch of hair under my lip. I usually refer to that as, "my beard."

I want a real one.

My current "beard-forming regimine" is as follows:

"If you shave it... it will come."

One day...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Today's Set (8/30/09)

He Is Exalted

Maker Of Heaven And Earth

Rain Down

Grace Like Rain

I Lift My Eyes Up

More Love, Morer Power

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Truth Project

This study has completely revolutionized my walk with God. I firmly believe that every person who consides themself a believer needs to go through this study. Check it out.

It will stretch you... in a very, very good way.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday Set Rewind -- 8/9/09

Sometimes human words seem so bland when trying to describe God. That's how I feel about yesterday. To say things like "amazing" and "awesome" just seems so empty compared to what He does inside of a worshiper. Yesterday God made some people free. Some events transpired that truly revealed that He is in control, and that His will will indeed always be done. Looking back on yesterday's set, that may have been the most "in tune with God" we've ever been. I'm so thankful that He hears and answers our prayers to use us as vessels to create an atmosphere for Him to move. Here's how it went:

Here Is Our King
Maybe the most popular Crowder song. It's a very freeing song to sing in a corporate worship setting. There's something really powerful about singing "Here is our God Who's come to bring us back to Him!" It basically opens up the door for God to move, and recognizing that He is, in fact, there being faithful to you as you worship Him in faith.

Draw Me Close
Next we went into this classic song. This song has very pointed, unmistakable lyrics. It's a life change song. "You're all I want. You're all I ever needed!" It's really a declaration. Coming before the Lord and telling Him, that it is all about Him!

This Charlie Hall song's lyrics ring a bit like Draw Me Close but the difference is, in this song we're telling God we want Him to reign supreme in our lives because of who He is and not because of what He has done for us. We end the song with an anthem of sorts. So powerful... "We lift our eyes to Heaven. We wrap our lives around Your life. We lift our eyes to heaven; to You." I wonder what would happen if we truly wrapped our lives around His?

All Creatures Of Our God And King
A classic hymn, re-done by the David Crowder*Band. At the end of this song we sing "Alleluia" over and over and over. I wonder if that's what we'll say in Heaven. "Alleluia!" The alleluia-anthem continues to grow and grow until it seems it's going to burst. God truly moves when He is pleased. I could really feel His pleasure as our praise was rising.

One Thing
We ended the set with this Charlie Hall tune. In it we sing, "All of life comes down to just one thing, that's to know You, oh Jesus, and make you known."

Lord, please let these words not be idle. Please strengthen me, and help me to live a life that makes You known. Thank you God for having faith in me. I pray I am always faithful to you. Today my prayer is Hebrews 11:6:

And without faith it is impossible to please You, Lord
For I know that if I come to You I must believe that You are God
and that You are the Rewarder of those who seek You.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday Set Rewind -- 8/2/09 Set

Yesterday was a big day for us at Turning Point Church. Big Day. God really was with us yesterday during the worship service. I am so thankful for his faithfulness to our team. We did a new song, a new-ish song, and then 3 others that we've done many times before. God is so good. Here's how yesterday went:

Your Grace Is Enough
A classic Chris Tomlin song. I love this song because, yes, we as believers talk about God's grace a lot. But do we talk about it being enough. It is enough. The grace of our Lord is enough to pull us out of our sorrow, pain, strife, doubtful state, or depression. Lord, Your Grace is Enough for me!

Glory To God, Forever
This was our new song. It was just released by Fee. Written by Steve Fee and Vicky Beeching, this powerful song with a simple chorus just echoed though our church and echoed in so many hearts. There was something very powerful happening when we were all united singing, "Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God FOREVER!!!!" Just Awesome!

How He Loves
This was the second time we'd done this song. A few weeks ago we when we did this song for the first time in our church we played the video of John Mark McMillan telling the story of where this song came from. There wasn't a dry eye in our church. I think this song truly does have wings. God moves so very mightily through it. "If His grace is an ocean.. we're all sinking." Powerful.

This is an original song. It came from a study of Hebrews one morning on my back patio. I fully believe that God gave me this song for our former pastor and his wife as they moved to Singapore. The chorus rings out, "Lead us on to Glory oh, King of magnificent salvation..." The premise of this song is a bit like the title of this blog. This song is all about greater things ahead and following God toward those greater things.

Agnus Dei
We finished up with this classic Michael W. Smith song. The Spirit was moving so rapidly through this song while April, one of our female vocalists, lead us through the first verse. Breathtaking! He was especially moving at the end when we dropped all instruments and just cried out, "Holy! Holy! Are You Lord God, Almighty! Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb! Amen!"

Father, You are Almighty. You're so faithful. Help us, God, to always look to You alone for our strength and our joy. May Your praise be ever-present in our mouths. Thanks God.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I love this guy...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

white people are crazy...

Here's a perfect example of why white people are crazy.

But I am slightly jealous, and I wish we would have done that at my wedding. That's all. As you were.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sunday Set Rewind -- 7/26/09 Set

First of all, let me begin by apologizing for not posting this yesterday as previously promised. I will try from now on to post the Sunday Set Rewind every Monday. However, I highly doubt any of you care.
Sunday was a great, up-beat set accompanied by transitions of prayer and thanks and reflection. VBS was last week so the kiddies sang 3 songs that they learned during the week before worship began. Kids are so dang cute when they sing... (or just when they do the motions, because the track blaring through the speakers has a bunch of kids singing the words... no need to sing... just the motions). Anyway, God showed up mightily on Sunday. Our set was as follows:

Trading My Sorrows
Although this is quite a dated song it's only like the 3rd time we've done it since I came to Turning Point in 2007. Sometimes, because of the quick tempo of this song, the words get lost. The verse of the song quotes 2Corinthians 4:8-9. Powerful stuff. "I am blessed but not crushed; persecuted, not abandoned..." Love it. We went right into..

O Praise Him
Classic David Crowder*Band. One of my all-time favorite worship songs. It's simple yet deep; quick yet reflective. "Oh how infinitely sweet, this great love that has redeemed. As one, we sing O Praise Him!"

Mighty To Save
After a prayer we went into Mighty To Save. This is one that we do often. It seems to always get a rise out of the congregation. God really moves at our church during this song. I know He moves through every song, but you just those songs sometimes... this is one of those songs. During the first chorus we drop everything except the strings and just sing out, "Savior. He can move the mountains. Our God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save! Forever. Author of salvation. He rose and conquered the grave. Jesus conquered the grave!" That's always my favorite part. Man, that song is so anointed.

God Of This City
We've been singing this song for awhile now, but it never gets old. In March, following God's calling, our pastor and his wife (our piano player) moved to Singapore. God of This City has become a song that they sing and worship to often over there, because yes, God is the God of this city, of that city and of every city. It's such a big song and it takes such deep root in those who open themselves up completely while worshiping.

Your Love, Oh Lord
We ended the set with this song as a bit of a benediction. We didn't have any drums. Just soft with strings and guitar. Singing Psalm 36 to the Lord is a very powerful thing. "Your love, Oh Lord, reaches to the heavens. Your faithfulness stretches to the sky." A great way to end a worship service.

Father, I pray that you would continue to show your faithfulness to our church and every church for that matter. I pray that we would worship You faithfully and expectantly, knowing that You are a great, mighty, and loving God, who is capable of breaking any stronghold. Thanks for a great week, God.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Peace from a Prince?

So lately I've been in Isaiah. The first eight chapters of Isaiah are pretty bleak. Tones of judgement and wrath upon a disobedient, uninterested nation. Sound familiar?

Is. 1:4 "...They have forsaken the Lord; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on Him."

Is. 1:15 "When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood;"

Is. 5:13 "Therefore my people will go into exile for their lack of knowledge; those of high rank will die of hunger and the common people will be parched with thirst."

Is. 8:5-7 "The Lord spoke to me again: 'Because this people has rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloah and rejoices over Rezin and the son of Remaliah, therefore the Lord is about to bring against them the mighty floodwaters of the Euphrates...'"

Is. 8:22 "Then they will look toward the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom..."

...Maybe "bleak" was an understatement. The tension just continues to mount and mount, and it seems as God's wrath is just growing and getting bigger until it is overwhelming and about to explode then all of the sudden...

Is. 9:1, 6-7 "But, there will be no more gloom for those who are in distress..." "... For unto us a Child is born to us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

We've heard and read this passage tons of times, but in context with the rest of the book, it sheds a whole new light on just why we are in desperate need of a Savior. Jesus, our Prince of Peace.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

why read?

Last night I finished the book Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy. It's been a long time coming for me to pick this book up. I mean, I don't know why it took me so long to read it. When I finished the last sentence, all I could think about was, "Man, I wish I could live out my faith like Coach."

It challenged me.

Which book has challenged you lately? And why?

Monday, July 20, 2009

7/19 Set...

I think I'm going to start breaking down Sunday's worship set every following Monday. Hope that's ok with you. Yesterday's set was a bit of a rollercoaster (as it always is). I wanted yesterday to be a bit of a journey and I felt God wanted that as well. We started out singing about His love and how it affects us. Then we turned our focus on the nature of God. Towards the end we declared how hungry we are for Him and closed with praising Him for creating life; for creating us. So here it is...

Hallelujah, Your Love Makes Me Sing
This song is all about declaring that God's love is so "God's Love" that the only possible, and obvious effect it would have on us would be to break out in song. My favorite line in this song is, "Your love is surprising, I can feel it rising, all the joy that's growing deep inside of me. Every time I see You, all Your goodness shines through, I can feel this God-song rising up in me!" We did this song in conjunction with...

I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever
"Oldie, but a goodie" if you ask me. After we declared that His love makes us sing, we told Him that we'd sing about it forever. I wonder if we really will...

This song always hits me hard because we just cry out "Majesty! Majesty" There's no denying who Majesty is! My favorite line, "You're grace has found me just as I am. Empty handed but alive in Your hands." God finds us right where we are. Just as we are. Rom. 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." He came to us.

We Are Hungry
I love when we do this song because toward the end we park on the first line of the first verse, "Lord I want more of You. Living Water rain down on me.... Living Water rain down on me..." Over and over. So cool; just opening up and surrendering yourself to God's Living Water quenching our dried out hearts.

You Are God
One of my all-time favorite Charlie Hall songs. "You fill our hearts with love and faith. You fight for us, You make us Brave. That alone is enough for its own worship song.

Thank you God for an awesome Sunday. I'm looking forward to next week.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Sometimes we forget the importance of just making someone smile. I love this short film.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

why I love the David Crowder*Band...

This video is awesome. It cracks me up. Especially the end where Dave imitates this kid. Enjoy! And oh yes.. twitter will kill you.

Friday, June 12, 2009


For some reason I love this movie. It's a great "Never Give Up" message portrayed in a real creative way...

Onwards from AKQA on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Everyone... meet Mogli...

It's time for you to meet Mogli, the kitten we found in the parking lot at work who has turned into our loveable cat who can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Enjoy....


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We've stumbeld upon a new hobby...

My awesome wife, Courtney, and I have decided to get back in shape. Well... actually... I've just finally decided to join her in getting in shape. She's always running and working out. I hate running. Really, really hate it. But we can find happy mediums like tennis! So as of yesterday we started this new hobby and had a great time. We went to the gym and had an awesome work out, then we grabbed our new rackets and headed for the courts. As you can tell from the picture... it got serious. Watch out Andy Roddick... I'm coming for you.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Just finished this book last night. Has anyone else read it? I'd love to hear your thoughts. I really enjoyed learning from this book. The concepts were very practical and I believe they would be very beneficial for a company if they were to implement them. However there are a few things that I did not agree with. I do not think that the author is a believer so there were a few points, that I didn't hold too tight. For instance The Window and the Mirror Concept: great concept. It's when you as the leader look out the window and give credit elsewhere when things are good, but you look in the mirror when there are bumps in the road. One of the "out the window" things he credited success to was luck. I just don't believe in luck. Now, granted, that is probably because I do believe in a sovereign God who holds every circumstance in the palm of his hand. Therefore there is no room for luck. But still, it is interesting to me how smart people can attribute success to luck. Things don't just happen. You gotta do something! The other thing I disagreed with was the fact that they did not want to use the label servant leader when describing their "Level 5" leaders. They said, "it makes them sound weak or meek...they [level 5 leaders] would do almost anything to make the company great." I used to play basketball in college. My freshman year, we were blessed to play for (and win, thank you) our division's national championship. Maybe I'll show you my ring sometime. haha! Anyway, I will never forget the gym we played in. A nice gym, stadium style seats, great locker rooms. The team who called this gym home was known to be pretty cocky, dirty, nasty. They had a phrase written in huge letters in their gym for all too see, "Win. At Any Cost." Yikes. How far would they go? Cheat? Pay off refs? Illegal recruitment? Where's the line when you "win at any cost"? Back to the book - this phrase - "would do almost anything..." kind of rings the same for me. There have to be boundaries. "Servant leadership" (to me) is the exact opposite of "weak or meek" I would say that the best  form of leadership is servant leadership. We have the best example of that in our Savior. Now granted the author of this book and his team of researchers may not know my Savior. I have to keep this in mind. 

What do you think? Just food for thought.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Power of Salvation

I came across this story this morning on the radio. It's about a girl named Ashley and her salvation experience. She wrote a letter to Louie Giglio (who started the Passion conferences) telling him about her conversion and thanking him. Then one day, some time later, Louie got a letter from Ashley's mom. 

Isaiah 55:9 - "As the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Ashley's letter to Louie...

Hi, I feel kinda weird writing this email. And i doubt if it ever gets to Mr Louie Giglio. I am a Senior at The University of Florida. I got a new roommate this semester and she is a Christian and I have never really been into the whole Christian thing because every pastor or speaker that I have ever listened to didn’t speak in a language I could understand. I have believed in God and Jesus, but never really understood it because the preachers at the church that I have always been forced to go to every Sunday of my life. They speak all high and mighty and I never really felt connected, and I felt like God was only for the perfect people.

Well my roommate went to this Passion Conference over winter break. And she came back and moved into my apt and she was real and genuine about all her Christian stuff, like I have never seen before in a person. She said that God changed her at this conference, so i was like what are you talking about. And she told me. She told me about how God was cool, and how God really wanted a deeper relationship with her, and she wanted to really love God the way he loved her, so of course I was like well huh? She then said you need to listen to Louie talk about God, so I asked who Louie was, and she put on the Indescribable talk, and then we watched the Passport talk. And in the Passport talk you said that Christians do not have to just hope for the best at the end, that they do not have to do enough good stuff. You explained how to get to heaven in a simple way, in a way that I have never heard before. I actually got it, I got it that it is not about being so good, cause I am not a good person. I have screwed up a lot. But then you said grace, and talked about how is was different than other religions. Because God is a loving and a kind God who wants to forgive me. My roommate then explained that he wants to forgive me.

Now for one of the reasons I am thanking you. One, I am now a Christian. And two, my roommate said that she had never really cared about telling others about how much God loved her before she went to this conference. So though I am not sure who will ever read this. Please tell Louie thanks from me, for talking about Christ in a way that a college kid can understand. I know that Jesus has changed my life and as I get ready to graduate college in May, I am gonna be a different person. I am sorry this is kinda rambling but I just had to tell you that I now know about the Grace of God, and I have life for the first time in my 22 years


Louie Giglio is quoted, "I will never forget the day her message came. And I’m not going to forget last Friday. Waking early for the last day of Thirsty, I happened to see this on my Blackberry and opened it."

Ashley's mom's letter to Louie...

Dear Mr. Giglio,

It is with a heavy heart that I send you this email. My daughter is Ashley, she wrote you an email that went on your blog and podcast Well, today May 3rd at 4pm we buried Ashley. She was killed in a car accident late on Sunday night. She lost control of her car and hit a light pole. She was the only car involved and had serious internal bleeding. She died in the arms of my husband at the hospital from unstoppable internal bleeding. But I have hope of seeing my daughter again. I have this hope because after years of praying for her, and watching her live a lifestyle in college that is known as the typical college experience. The last semester of her college career I saw a woman, not a college girl that I have never been more proud to call my daughter. I can point the thanks to you and Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, Matt Redman, and everyone else involved in your Passion Conferences. Ashley fell in love with our Savior over the last 5 months of her life. She was so excited about graduation this week and moving to California to work her first real job. She had a life ahead of her. I miss my beautiful princess more than anything in this world. But I just felt like you should know that she listened to as many of your talks as she could get her hands on and read your book I am not but I know I am and she was so excited about God and her new found faith. Words alone can not thank you enough. I may never meet you here on earth, but I know that someday I will be able to meet you and give you a hug in heaven, but only after Ash does. Thank you so much for praying for my girl, and your support of her as she was starting her new life. Also thanks for being a man of God who has a passion, and love for college students.Your vision to share the gospel and getting college students to do the same made all the difference at a funeral today. Instead of being sad and scared for her. We were able to sing praise and worship songs today. Though there will be tears and I am so very heartbroken and crying as I type this, it is only because I will not hold her for so many years. And I will miss her for the rest of my life. I know I have said thank you a lot in this email, but because of you and Christa (Ashley’s roommate) and people at the Bible Study that she was going to she was happier than I have seen her in a very long time. In the email she originally sent you, it said she had life for the first time in her 22 years, and please know she meant every word of that. She lived the last few months serving and loving and learning more about Christ. She will now spend eternity in heaven with Him so one more time thanks. I know this was long and I debated for the last 4 days as to whether or not to write you. I know you are a very busy man, but I also figured you would want to know.

Ashley’s Mom

The Power of Salvation. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm not a proud uncle or anything...

Here are a few more pictures of my niece, Brooke Annice, who was born yesterday morning. I can't wait to meet her!

Awesome hair...

"What is this place??"

It's sooo crazy that there's 5 of them now!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Brand New Niece!!!

Well, today is pretty awesome because this morning at 8:05 am (Texas time) my niece, Brooke, came into this world! She's 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 19" long. Obviously, from the picture you can see that she is pretty much perfect. I'm not a proud uncle or anything :). Brooke is my sister and her husband's 3rd child. They have Skyler, who is 4, and Canyon, who is 3. AND NOW BROOKE! Great day for our family. I just wish Courtney and I lived out there so we could see our beautiful niece today. We're headed out in a couple of weeks to visit. Can't wait. Today as I look at this picture of my almost 6 hr. old niece I think how amazing it is that our Father has known her and has been intimately involved in her precious life for the last 9 months; way before human eyes have seen her! What a mighty God we serve!

Psalm 139: 13-18:
For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are Your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand - when I awake, I am still with You.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our Trip to Georgia

At the beginning of the month Courtney and I were asked to speak at a True Love Waits banquet in Newnan, Ga. We had a blast seeing old friends, new friends, and everyone in between. We were able to talk to about 70-80 kids and their parents and just share our story and offer encouragement. It was awesome. Since the banquet was on Sunday, that meant we had Saturday to just hang out. So we did... in the woods... on ATV's.... shooting guns... hilarious. Check it out...

Fun In Georgia... from Danny Rohrdanz on Vimeo.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hilarious Video

I know this video has absolutely nothing to do with worship, but it is seriously hilarious. I've been laughing about this for awhile now... I really hope I have the video camera handy when I take my kids to the dentist one day... Check it out...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

simple... right?

Sometimes we really screw up religion. We try to make it what we want it to be instead of trying to look at things through God's eyes. This narrows it down, check it out:

James 1:27 - Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

James, Jesus' bro, lays out 3 things that our Heavenly Father accepts as "pure and faultless" religion. 1. To look after orphans. 2. To look after widows. 3. To not be polluted by the world. It seems simple right? You know that saying, "easier said, than done" yeah, that can be applied here. This passage screams at us to break out of our comfort zones. To stop living comfortably. We must take care of those in need, we must not let ourselves become corrupt with the standards of our modern day. We're called to higher standards. If we let the world seep into our walk and take over, then from this passage we learn that it then becomes impure and full of fault. Don't make it a show, instead be different. Be who God wants you to be. Start trying to see things through his eyes. This passage really put things into perspective for me this morning and I just wanted to share it.

Brandon Heath's Give Me Your Eyes should be our prayer today as we focus on seeing the world through God's eyes and striving to live life by His standards alone. Check it out below:

Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes from Brandon Heath on Vimeo.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

everybody's got someplace to go...

I live about 30 minutes away from where I work. I live another half hour away (in the other direction) from our church where I also work. I drive alot. Since band practice is on only one night of the week, the whole Home-Work-Church-Home thing doesn't happen all the time, but meetings are scheduled and things happen at the church that I need to be at, so it does happen often. Below is a little visual illustration, so you can get your bearings on what I am describing:Ok, good now that we are on the same page, let's move on. Being that I am in the car very often. I get to do alot of cool things. Talk with my wife (we work together... best carpooling buddy I ever did have). Listen to music (I love my music). Listen to podcasts. Listen to people. Listen to people lay on their horns and be really mean for no apparent reason. No joke - We were at a stop light the other day and an older lady was in the turn lane to our right, but she was trying to get back over into our lane. All this action was a few cars ahead of us. A guy pulls up behind her, and he was trying to turn but obviously couldn't. He's in this metallic green Mustang with a lot of tailpipes. She's in an old Buick. He begins to honk like crazy, revving up his super sweet car (which just got so much cooler because it was super loud...sarcasm), lurching forward nearling hitting her, over and over again. I was so mad. This lady was scared. Finally, the light turned green and she got in our lane, and the mean Mustang guy tore off around the corner, tires squealing and everything. Why? Why are people in such a rush?

I am not saying that I am not occasionally in a rush. I am in a rush sometimes. I have been pegged as an "easy going person" so i guess that means that I'm not in a rush that often. I'm not talking about traffic, I'm talking about life. Day to day stuff. Rushing through your tasks at work. Rushing through conversations. Rushing through your time with God.

Do our surroundings cause us to be in a rush? Picture this... you're having a picnic down by a stream, mountains surrounding you, butterflies, beautiful grass, flowing water, all you hear is the smooth sound of the water making its way through the pass. Pretty nice scene right? Is this kind of place going to cause you to be in a huge rush? Probably not. Unless you're a crazy and don't appreciate a beautiful landscape. If you're in a huge traffic jam, tempers are rising, the tention is getting thick, people are angry, honking, yelling, the cars start to seem alot closer to your car than before... it gets frantic and you begin to panic and want to get out of there. That situation can cause one to rush.

How can we not rush and just relax even in hectic, crazy, uncertain times?

Another story. The other day I went out to get some lunch during work. My wife couldn't come, so it was just me. I've been to this Panera Bread often but I don't really like going there, not because of the food, but because of this particular location's parking situation. It took me literally 15 min to find a spot. This parking lot is very, very small too. Probably 60 yds / 30 yds. I was so frustrated when I got back to work, so I drew a picture of the parking lot so I could share with you my frustration:

If you can, please follow the arrows. This place is tight. Not cool "tight", but "tight" like I'm suffocating tight. With all the "one ways" you feel like your in a factory on a conveyer belt just riding through on your way to be boxed up and shipped out somewhere. The most painful part about it was that I missed a spot by like 10 sec like 15 times! I would see one open up but couldn't get to it in time. I really could not believe the number of people in this parking lot. It was so confusing and maddening.

Everybody had some place to go... Everybody was rushing... Where? With Who? Is it worthwhile?

God addresses rushing in scripture. He makes it pretty simple acutally...

Psalm 46:10... Be still, and know that I Am God.

"Be Still" "Stop." "Quiet down." "Chill out." "Shhh..." "It's cool, I'm here." "Stop running, walk with Me." These are the thoughts and words that flood my mind when I picture God saying "Be Still." On the other hand it could also be Him slapping us upside the head, saying "Be Still!"

He tells us why to be still in the end of verse 10. "I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." He is really all that matters anyway. Why do we strive for meaningless, empty things? Why do we put our time into things that waste away? We must live our lives as worship to Him. The One who means the most, who will never waste away. The Giver of Life, Everlasting. Let's be still and invest in that relationship. Give Him the time He deserves, which is ALL of your time. That means that worshiping God should be your lifestyle. He deserves it. He deserves your life, because we deserved His death.

Be still.

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