Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why is differentiating between evangelism and missions important?

John Piper is the man. Just sayin'...


Anonymous said...

I would suspect that if you knew what Piper truly believed about salvation, particularly his Calvinistic beliefs, you may not be so willing to call him, "the man." Do you realize he actually has repeatedly stated that man has no free will? Do you realize that he does not believe Jesus died for everyone's sin, and thus God does not provide for all of man's salvation? Do you realize that he joyfully declares that God's sovereignty requires that He choose some for salvation and some for damnation, and then he calls that "Grace"? I would suggest reading Dave Hunt's book, "What Love is this?" so that you can be up on the true, evil, scripture twisting beliefs of like people (such as Piper) you might, on the surface, be tempted to idolize. BTW, if you do some homework about Francis Chan, particularly his seminary, you will find he holds to the same twisted, Reformed, Calvin-ladened confessions.

Danny said...

Thanks for commenting! Why did you choose to stay anonymous on this comment?

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