First of all, let me begin by apologizing for not posting this yesterday as previously promised. I will try from now on to post the Sunday Set Rewind every Monday. However, I highly doubt any of you care.
Sunday was a great, up-beat set accompanied by transitions of prayer and thanks and reflection. VBS was last week so the kiddies sang 3 songs that they learned during the week before worship began. Kids are so dang cute when they sing... (or just when they do the motions, because the track blaring through the speakers has a bunch of kids singing the words... no need to sing... just the motions). Anyway, God showed up mightily on Sunday. Our set was as follows:
Trading My Sorrows
Although this is quite a dated song it's only like the 3rd time we've done it since I came to Turning Point in 2007. Sometimes, because of the quick tempo of this song, the words get lost. The verse of the song quotes 2Corinthians 4:8-9. Powerful stuff. "I am blessed but not crushed; persecuted, not abandoned..." Love it. We went right into..
O Praise Him
Classic David Crowder*Band. One of my all-time favorite worship songs. It's simple yet deep; quick yet reflective. "Oh how infinitely sweet, this great love that has redeemed. As one, we sing O Praise Him!"
Mighty To Save
After a prayer we went into Mighty To Save. This is one that we do often. It seems to always get a rise out of the congregation. God really moves at our church during this song. I know He moves through every song, but you just those songs sometimes... this is one of those songs. During the first chorus we drop everything except the strings and just sing out, "Savior. He can move the mountains. Our God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save! Forever. Author of salvation. He rose and conquered the grave. Jesus conquered the grave!" That's always my favorite part. Man, that song is so anointed.
God Of This City
We've been singing this song for awhile now, but it never gets old. In March, following God's calling, our pastor and his wife (our piano player) moved to Singapore. God of This City has become a song that they sing and worship to often over there, because yes, God is the God of this city, of that city and of every city. It's such a big song and it takes such deep root in those who open themselves up completely while worshiping.
Your Love, Oh Lord
We ended the set with this song as a bit of a benediction. We didn't have any drums. Just soft with strings and guitar. Singing Psalm 36 to the Lord is a very powerful thing. "Your love, Oh Lord, reaches to the heavens. Your faithfulness stretches to the sky." A great way to end a worship service.
Father, I pray that you would continue to show your faithfulness to our church and every church for that matter. I pray that we would worship You faithfully and expectantly, knowing that You are a great, mighty, and loving God, who is capable of breaking any stronghold. Thanks for a great week, God.
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