I'm studying Isaiah.
Inductive - of, pertaining to, or employing logical induction....
Basically it means to figure it out for yourself.
In the past I have been very guilty of proclaiming to be doing a bible study for my quiet time when it wasn't really an actual study.
It was more like a... quick read that fit my schedule the best.
I got nothing from it. I didn't grow spiritually at all because of it.
This morning while doing my study I realized how far I have come in my study habits and I thanked God for it.
I love the studies that leave it up to you.
They don't tell you answers.
They ask questions.
For instance: My study today was about Egypt in Is. 19.
The question was, "What do you learn about God in Isaiah 19?"
I had to pour over the scripture and figure it out, inductively, for myself.
My answer:
God is:
Fast (v1)
Evokes fear in the lost (v1)
smarter than mere humans (v2)
true to His judgement (v4)
all knowing (v4)
wanting ALL to come to know Him (v19)
the Savior/Reinforcement-sender (v20)
made known throughout the earth (v21)
worthy of worship and offerings (v21)
a fierce, yet healing God (v22)
responsive (v22)
Healer (v22)
a God who blesses obedience (v25)
I learned this morning.
Learning is a great thing.
God, Thank You so much for Your Word.
In your quiet time, don't read answers - answer questions.
Your heart will thank you for it.
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