Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday Set Rewind -- 8/2/09 Set

Yesterday was a big day for us at Turning Point Church. Big Day. God really was with us yesterday during the worship service. I am so thankful for his faithfulness to our team. We did a new song, a new-ish song, and then 3 others that we've done many times before. God is so good. Here's how yesterday went:

Your Grace Is Enough
A classic Chris Tomlin song. I love this song because, yes, we as believers talk about God's grace a lot. But do we talk about it being enough. It is enough. The grace of our Lord is enough to pull us out of our sorrow, pain, strife, doubtful state, or depression. Lord, Your Grace is Enough for me!

Glory To God, Forever
This was our new song. It was just released by Fee. Written by Steve Fee and Vicky Beeching, this powerful song with a simple chorus just echoed though our church and echoed in so many hearts. There was something very powerful happening when we were all united singing, "Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God FOREVER!!!!" Just Awesome!

How He Loves
This was the second time we'd done this song. A few weeks ago we when we did this song for the first time in our church we played the video of John Mark McMillan telling the story of where this song came from. There wasn't a dry eye in our church. I think this song truly does have wings. God moves so very mightily through it. "If His grace is an ocean.. we're all sinking." Powerful.

This is an original song. It came from a study of Hebrews one morning on my back patio. I fully believe that God gave me this song for our former pastor and his wife as they moved to Singapore. The chorus rings out, "Lead us on to Glory oh, King of magnificent salvation..." The premise of this song is a bit like the title of this blog. This song is all about greater things ahead and following God toward those greater things.

Agnus Dei
We finished up with this classic Michael W. Smith song. The Spirit was moving so rapidly through this song while April, one of our female vocalists, lead us through the first verse. Breathtaking! He was especially moving at the end when we dropped all instruments and just cried out, "Holy! Holy! Are You Lord God, Almighty! Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb! Amen!"

Father, You are Almighty. You're so faithful. Help us, God, to always look to You alone for our strength and our joy. May Your praise be ever-present in our mouths. Thanks God.


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