Just finished this book last night. Has anyone else read it? I'd love to hear your thoughts. I really enjoyed learning from this book. The concepts were very practical and I
believe they would be very beneficial for a company if they were to implement them. However there are a few things that I did not agree with. I do not think that the author is a believer so there were a few points, that I didn't hold too tight. For instance
The Window and the Mirror Concept: great concept. It's when you as the leader look out the window and give credit elsewhere when things are good, but you look in the mirror when there are bumps in the road. One of the "out the window" things he credited success to was luck. I just don't believe in luck. Now, granted, that is probably
because I do believe in a sovereign God who holds every circumstance in the palm of his hand. Therefore there is no room for luck. But still, it is interesting to me how smart people can attribute success to luck. Things don't
just happen. You gotta
do something! The other thing I disagreed with was the fact that they did not want to use the label
servant leader when describing their "Level 5" leaders. They said, "it makes them sound weak or meek...they [level 5 leaders] would do almost anything to make the company great." I used to play basketball in college. My freshman year, we were blessed to play for (and win, thank you) our division's national championship. Maybe I'll show you my ring sometime.
haha! Anyway, I will never forget the gym we played in. A nice gym, stadium style seats, great locker rooms. The team who called this gym home was known to be pretty cocky, dirty, nasty. They had a phrase written in huge letters in their gym for all too see, "Win. At Any Cost." Yikes. How far would they go? Cheat? Pay off refs? Illegal recruitment? Where's the line when you "win at any cost"? Back to the book - this phrase - "would do almost anything..." kind of rings the same for me. There have to be
boundaries. "Servant leadership" (to me) is the exact opposite of "weak or meek" I would say that the
best form of leadership is
servant leadership. We have the best example of that in our Savior. Now granted the author of this book and his team of researchers may not know my Savior. I have to keep this in mind.
What do you think? Just food for thought.
There are times when you see secular leadership displaying more "spirituality" than certain expressions of spiritual leadership, when this is the case, it is a sad commentary on the "church." And unfortunately, it happens a lot.
In response and disgust, some have concluded that you have to go outside of the Word and especially the Church in order to learn ways of improving and recapturing spiritual leadership.
Yet, one need not consult that latest in secular leadership trends/philosophy in order to inform or improve spiritual leadership.
Everything needed for "of the hook" spiritual and organizational leadership can be found in the Master and His message. Find me the greatest leadership books ever written by men or women and you will not find one true/enduring principal asserted that Jesus hadn't already taught and/or modeled.
The problems in spiritual leadership today are not because of a lack of information, but a lack of transformation.
couldn't agree more, Chris. Thanks for the comment!
One more thought...
Well over a month ago I interviewed with your search team, offering myself to participate in your search process. Yet, the communication with me as a candidate has been non existent. I don't have a clue as to what you guys are doing, where you are in the process, nothing. No one has emailed, called, or written.
John Maxwell says, "Integrity is how you treat those people from whom you cannot benefit."
I can only assume that I am no longer a viable candidate and therefore, "of no benefit" to your search process. If I am a candidate, please take me off your list. If your process is any indication of the overall culture and leadership vibe of your church, I think I will pass.
Blessings on your search.
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